Thursday 17 May 2012

A little bit about me...

I've always wanted to be a writer. When I was 5, I wrote on my bedroom wall "WHEN I'M OLDER I WANT TO BE A WRITER", 13 years down the line, I still stand by that. I love how words can convey so much emotion. They can break someone and they can mend someone.

When I was 13, I sent a letter to Bloomsbury publishers, if you're not sure who they are think of the Harry Potter books, I attached a short story along with my letter. Of course, I was an innocent, optimistic child expecting the world but their reply was truly motivating. I also wrote short stories and even wrote a full book with my childhood friend at 14.

During late high school and those quick two years at college, after doing a couple of blogs, I realised I wanted to write for a magazine. One that captivates me the most is More! Magazine. I could read that magazine all my life and not get bored. Having a job as a writer for More! would be a dream come true, a dream that will most likely never come true, but hey, that's my pessimistic side creeping in.

I love popular culture: the music, the clothes, the products, everything. That's why I think writing for a magazine would be perfect. I'd hate to reach 40 knowing I never achieved my dream job. To me, it is my worst nightmare.

Feel free to share your dream job in the comment box below. I'd love to hear from you.


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