Thursday, 17 May 2012

Exams are nearly over, time for you to decide your future

Are you at college? Do you only have a few more weeks left to go? Are you counting down the days till your last exam? Do you know what you're planning to do after the summer has quickly passed by? If your answer is no then this is the article for you.

With most young teenagers nowadays, there is a lot of pressure to attend university, even with the £9,000 tuition fees! After college, if university is no option to you, you are thrown into the big, wide, crazy world and you feel as though you're alone. A lot of 17 and 18 year olds seem to have the cliche view that university is a bag of fun, lots of parties, drinking, making new friends and finally getting away from those naggy parents.

A gap year has so many positive points that even I was persuaded to take one. A gap year can buy you time to think about what you want to do, you never know, when the year has passed you may decide to carry on working. Full time work seems daunting, especially for an 18 year old, but it can give you that valuable work experience university can't give you, it also teaches you the value of money. Work guarantees you money, university guarantees you debt.

If money is no object then how about a gap year where you're travelling the world? Real Gap is the largest gap year travel company. They offer those memorable travel adventures and they even sort out volunteer and paid work. How about that option to make a jaw-dropping CV?

Apprenticeships are a great way to gain that experience as well as being paid for doing so, they even make you that extra bit more employable! Apprenticeships cover a wide field such as hairdressing to plumbing, so be sure to google what is available in your area.

So if you ever have a quiet night in then get on the internet and research some options stated above that you're interested in, you could be in for a pleasant surprise! You're never stuck for choice and remember you're not alone!


- Make a list of what you enjoyed studying at school/college, rate them out of 10.
- Ask your family or friends what you're strongest at or what they could see you doing! (Sometimes other people can be a great help, they see what you can't)
- Follow your gut instinct. Please don't follow your friends just because they're all giddy over getting away from their parents. Think about yourself.
- Finally, plan ahead. Don't leave it till the last few weeks of summer.
- Have a positive mindset when deciding; being pessimistic gives you an unmotivated attitude, it will only make you delay your decisions.
- Don't be worried about making the wrong decision. It is all about what is right for you.
- Be confident about your decision. Sit back, relax and enjoy the summer with your friends, before you all take off in different directions.  


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